NSW Govt makes further cuts to Solar Bonus Scheme

Note: This information does not affect new applicants, who are able to connect but are not participants of the solar bonus scheme

Under the cover of a media-hogging Harbour Bridge protest, the O’Farrell government announced the retrospective roll-back of the 60c tariff to 40c for existing systems. Changing the rules after the fact is just not cricket – especially with so many sunk costs involved. It is like charging you $5 for a train ticket, and then suddenly charging another $5 when you get to the destination unannounced!

Currently legislation is not yet in place to permit the change, but the intention of the government is to commence the 40c rate from July 2011. Contact your local member to express your outrage! Inheriting this project from the previous government is not an excuse – the system was in public operation and all issues known prior to the election.

The announcement follows the conduct of the first solar summit. At the summit, the government picked a selection of anti-solar bodies and one solar industry representative (no solar customer representatives) to make presentations, and then claimed (surprise) that the announced action is a result of the (merely) four hours long summit.

Upshot of the announcement:

– approved systems where the metering has not been concluded will be allowed to connect under the 20c scheme; and

– existing 60c Solar Bonus Scheme recipients will be now given 40c after July.

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