Big Apple goes Big Solar

Solar energy solves problems from Tibet to Tinseltown –

And now, the city of New York has found a unique solution to the problem of what to do with landfill sites under regeneration – cover the sealed landfills with sixty megawatts (60 MW) of solar generation systems.

This installation is part of the ambitious ‘PlaNYC‘ , a vision for the type of New York citizens want to see in 2030.  In announcing  the solar project, Mayor Bloomberg highlighted that the solar installation could cut emergency generators dependence, as currently during electricity demand peaks a number of emergency generators burn petroleum based fuel.

Complementing the solar projects, NYC proposes to establish a nonprofit company – Energy Efficiency Corp – to attack energy efficiency opportunities. Mayor Bloomber plans to use $40 million in federal economic stimulus, through Energy Efficiency Corp.,  to provide low cost financing to owners of residential and commercial facilities that are planning to conserve power with more efficient lightning or insulation.

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