Solar Installers Sydney

This page contains a list of solar installation companies in Sydney. We believe we provide fantastic products that will last the distance, and are certainly not afraid of a little competition. In many cases, our relationship has strengthened with our customers after they have tried alternatives. Just be sure to read our guide on ‘How to Select a Solar Module‘ first!

Some people query why we put this page up. We’d love your business, but if you feel the need to get another quote, why not make it easy for you? You’ll probably come back anyway. Also, as we are passionate about solar power in general, and whilst we believe it is a mistake to buy solar from anyone else, we’d rather you did than not at all.

Solar Installation Companies Sydney

Greenforce Energy



Mark Group

Sydney Solar Electricity 

Modern Solar <- customer feed back has been that the sales experience with this company is often high pressure, which may not suit some buyers.

Origin Energy

Australia Wide Solar

Bradford Solar 

and more…

(want to be added to this list? Create a link on your webpage to our information page, by pasting this code onto your webpage:

Solar Energy Information Sydney”

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And send a webform through to us telling us all about it. Thanks!)

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