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We are proud of our lasting partnership with BP Solar.  BP Solar have been in the Australian market in various forms for more than 35 years, with the panels cutting their teeth on everything from transmission towers in the harsh Australian desert, to mission critical navigation buoys on our beautiful waterways.

Unlike other small manufacturers that still have their L plates on, BP Solar has ‘been there, done that’. As a result of the depth of experience, BP Solar was the first to introduce the now standard 25 year warranty, and the first to introduce many other innovations, such as the Saturn range of cells. BP Solar panels use genuine MC connectors (see why that’s important in: Connectors-Safety-in-PV installations)

Get started on a BP Solar system with a quote

As a company with more than 100 years of history, the company has demonstrated it can overcome mistakes and has a sustainable business model. This gives us extra confidence in their warranty of 25 years, and an industry leading guarantee of >85% starting power output in year 25. You can see the benefits provided by this warranty in the informative document Preserving the Sun’s Energy

In the grid connect market, BP Solar primarily offers the following two modules :

BP Solar 3225T 225W Multi-crystalline Module – perfect for situations where a wider panel is appropriate, like a warehouse rooftop

BP Solar 4180T 180W Mono-crystalline Module – great for narrower sites

You might also be interested in BP Solar datasheets (showing dimensions and weights) or warranty information.