Sunways Solar Inverters

Sunways high efficiency inverters




Sunways NT and PT range of high efficiency German inverters

The inverter industry has a new champion.

Made in Germany, the Sunways NT series of high efficiency inverters represents the best of the HERIC topology based inverters – with it’s high efficiency, cool operation and excellent build quality earning the range multiple Photon magazine top ratings, such as the recent A+ rating of the NT4200.

Simply put, the Sunways inverter range gets excellent yield from morning to night, translating to more energy for you the user – and more savings.

All Sunways inverters have a built in ethernet based web server, so if there is a nearby network port/router/modem you can connect your inverter and share data, or have the inverter email you with production data or alerts.


→ See the Sunways_NT_2500-5000_Datasheet

→ See details of the decades old Australian distributor of Sunways German solar inverters.